Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jillian @ 4 years old

Jillian Paige turned 4 years old on July 1st.  Oh my word, where has the time gone?  I look at her and watch her grow into this little lady and think to my self, she's not a baby anymore!  Now that being said, she will ALWAYS be my baby!!

I don't have any of her stats, but will next month after her check up!  I do know that she is getting taller and smarter by the minute.  She cracks me up on a daily basis, and melts my heart by the hour.  Her heart is the sweetest I know and her love is unconditional!  The sweetest thing ever is when she gives me hugs out of the blue and tells me she loves me!  Even in the middle of dinner.  

Her personality is popping out second after second.  Happy, outgoing and very friendly.  Laughing and smiling are on her agenda everyday.  Whether it's telling me something silly or making her brother laugh, she generates joyfulness all around!

My girl loves to "swim", but can't officially, yet.  She loves to play outside or help her daddy in the garden.  She's definitely not afraid to get dirty, and dislikes having her hair brushed, (especially when there's a lot of ouchies!)  She doesn't like bedtime but always falls asleep right away.  Her Daddy reads her a story at 9pm and then she always asks for Mommy to sing to her.  Her favorites right now are Twinkle, Twinkle and You Are My Sunshine.  She always asks me to cover her up with her blanket, a pink Pooh blanket she's had since a baby.

She's still my girlie girl, wearing her tutu's and dressing up in Princess dresses!  She loves music and has a passion for dancing.  She just started Ballet class on Monday, and did terrific!  A post soon to come.  
She has already started asking for her friends to come over and play or if she can go to their house!  She plays so well with others and enjoys going to school.  

Miss Jillian you make my heart full!  I love you to the moon and back!  I love how much you've grown in this last year.  Preschool has taught you so much, and has made you so independent!  I hear on a daily basis, "I can do it myself!"  I am proud but a little sad that you don't need me as much.  It's amazing how smart and observant you are.  I am sometimes shocked by the little things you pick up on.  From telling me to stop at stop signs to reminding me to put your seat belt on.  I am so excited to watch you grow and learn new things.    I love that you are my little princess but your also Daddy's little girl.  Your little brother and cousin look up to you, and you love for them to follow you around.  You're just as sweet as you can be!  I love you baby girl!


  1. Great job on the new layout! It looks really nice. Wow, already four years have passed. I just can't believe it. I feel so blessed to have watched Jillian grow up. I love her so much and this post describes her perfectly!!!!!

  2. Your blog looks great. This is such a well written post. Miss Jilly Bean is becoming quite a special young lady. I enjoyed playing with her at Bob's.

  3. Love the new look, she is getting so big!


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