Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kindergarten registration

Wednesday we took Jillian for her kindergarten registration. She will attend Wright Elementary. She did very well! When we first got there we had to fill out paperwork, and one of the teachers took Jillian into the library and screened her. We could see her the whole time, I was so proud of her and how well she did. After about 10 minutes or so she came out and the teacher went over her results with us. She scored very well with only a few mistakes. She knew all of her uppercase letters but one, which I know she's knows. She knew most of her lowercase letters as well but again I know she knows them all. Her preschool teacher even said she did. They went over letter sounds and again she knew most of them but wouldn't tell the teacher all of them. She counted to 19 with no mistakes but skipped a few numbers after that. The teacher told us as long as she could count to 10 she was doing fine. They also had her rhyme words which she did excellent with. However she would not write her name for the teacher. She told me she didn't want too! Lol! I explained to her that she will have to for kindergarten! The teacher told us she was set for kindergarten and she would see us at orientation in the fall!

I'm so proud and excited but so sad at the same time! I know she's ready for this and she will do wonderful! I just can't believe how fast she's growing up!

She also had to get a booster shot at the doctors office. That didn't go as well! But she's fine now!

Here are a few pictures from our morning!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wyatt Knows his ABC's

Well most of them!! I am so behind on Wyatt's monthly posts. So I thought I would share this video I took of Wyatt. A couple of months ago my grandmother, whom keeps Wyatt one day a week, pointed out that he would tell her the letter on his blocks. I had to witness this myself, so Randy and I sat at the table one night after supper and would hand Wyatt a block and ask him the letter. To my surprise he knew most of them. Of course I didn't think to video it until 3 or 4 times through and he was tired! I went to school that same week and ask Wyatt's teacher if she was teaching him his letters and she said of course! She said they have an alphabet rug and he runs to letters and asks her what they are and she tells him. She said then she asks him where each letter is! This folks is why I work and send my kids to daycare/preschool! Their school is awesome!
Without further ado here is the video I took this morning. It's not perfect and we don't do all the letters mainly because some of the magnets are under the fridge! You don't have to watch the whole video, it's about 5 minutes long! And keep in mind, this boy won't be 2 until May!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Work out Wednesday

Tonight I just finished Zumba! I am so happy that I have come this far! The class used to be really hard and I used to think I was going to die before it would end, but now even though they're still hard I get through them and I feel good about it! I am so happy to report that I am down around about 17 pounds! That is since January 1! Even though last week I had fluctuated up a little bit I have now come down again! Just knowing that I can do it, helps me push through and do it! I can finally see results when I look in the mirror, and when I put on my clothes. I'm down a size, and actually feel good about myself when I look in the mirror. And I feel good! I have about 15 weeks until my goal which is the week in July when were going to Florida and I have about 13 more pounds I would like to lose. I know everybody says it's not about the number on the scale but how you feel, but I'm so happy to get this weight off. I didn't take a picture before Zumba tonight, but I did take one this morning after I got dressed. So here it is!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Workout Wednesday

Shew, last week Zumba kicked my butt! Or shall I say the teacher kicked my butt, with a new routine that was a lot more cardio. And squats and lunges. My butt and my legs hurt for days! But it was a good kind of hurt, and it made me lose 2 pounds! Even though I have fluctuated up a bit, I was excited to lose those two!

Besides Wednesday being Zumba day the other days of the week I try to work out at home. I get on the elliptical a lot. Usually about 20 minutes. I also like pinning workouts from Pinterest and trying those. My goal is to work out about 4 times a week but sometimes 3 is all I can do! Life gets busy and I get tired!!

I did have a small set back at the beginning of the week. A cold. Boo!! So I skipped Monday but got back on the elliptical yesterday and made it through Zumba tonight!

We'll see how the rest of the week goes! Wish me luck! I have 16 more weeks 'till my goal weight and vacation! I'm thinking a good reward will be a new bikini!! We'll see!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Work out Wednesday

I'm getting ready to head out to Zumba!

But first... One of my other blogger friends has started a Wednesday post about her workouts. So I figured I would join in. Except I'm still not comfortable sharing all my stats just yet. However I have lost about 11 pounds since the beginning of the year.

My friends and I do Zumba once or twice a week. I have also added some workouts on the elliptical, and do some core training. I have tried to eat healthier, adding fruits and veggies, and trying to leave out the fast food. The last part is the hardest, cutting out the fast food. With a busy lifestyle and two small children sometimes it's the easiest thing to do, even though not the right one!

My goal was to lose a pound a week from the first of the year to the first of July. That's when my family is going on vacation to Florida, the beach! And I want to be bikini ready! I have a great little countdown on my phone and it tells me how many weeks I have left until my vacation, and I have another little great app on my phone that helps me keep track of my weight loss, called lose it! So far I'm right on track! Hopefully this blog post will help me stay accountable!

And last three pictures. The first is me on New Year's Day, the second me today, the third my goal, me a couple years ago after having Jillian.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Miss Jillian @ 4 1/2 years old

Wow girly!! You sure have grown, a lot! I look and talk to you and think to myself, oh my goodness she's not a baby anymore! It makes me sad but happy all at the same time! I'm so proud of the little lady you have become!

I would make a list but it would take me a week! So I'll just write as much as I can about you, right now!!

I never wanna forget........

How you are so sassy!

You say the funniest things!
Just this morning you were telling your Daddy something and you called him Randy. Then you said, "oh I mean Daddy!

You are a little bossy at times, and you also try to tell me which way to go when driving.

You have become a mini me. Wanting to go and be with mommy all the time.

You love to cook and help me. You like to stir and then eat the left over batter.

You like to go to your room by yourself and play and shut the door. You then scream when someone opens the door, because it scares you.

You get that from me. I'm jumpy too!

Sticker books and LaLaLoopsies are covering your floor right now.

This drives me crazy. I wanna see the floor kid!

I have only ever had one bad report on you from school! You were just having a bad day, I guess.

You do love school and all your teachers and friends.

You are learning so much. You can spell and tell me words and what letter they start with.

You love to rhyme words.

You sing in the car. It's so cute! Sometimes you tell me, turn it up mommy, I can't hear it!!

You have one heck of an imagination! There is no end to it. I know you'll do big things with it!

You love Greek yogurt and any kind of fruit. But don't eat a whole lot of veggies. It just depends on your taste that day.

You still smell everything before eating and drinking. I thought this was weird and funny but then one day realized, I totally do the same thing!

You are very loving. Always giving hugs and telling us you love us!

 You know your manners and you are pretty good about using them. The cutest is when you asked to be excused from the table.

Sometimes in the mornings if you and Wyatt wake before us, you go in to his room and put all kinds of books in his crib and climb in with him and read. It's so sweet, it warms my heart!

If only you guys always got along that well!

You can play well together and get in to trouble together but sometimes you fight like cats and dogs!

You, my dear get into everything! Not just the typical kid stuff but girl you get you and your brother into all kinds of trouble.

Just last week, you guys got in your closet and had a heyday. You guys unsorted your sorted summer and fall clothes. I couldn't even get the door open!

You are very independent! Always telling us, "I can do it!"

You are a sore loser!! I mean a crying sore loser! We just figured this out the other night while playing Monkey Ball on the Wii. Your daddy beat you in the game and you cried!

You are only 4 1/2 but you wear a size 6! I haven't actually weighed you in a while but I'd say you're pushing 46. But your just as thin as can be! You are so tall, probably around 46 or 47 inches tall!

Jillian, you are the apple of my eye, my pride and joy!  I love how you have become Momma's girl and want to go and do everything with me.  It's so sweet.  I'm so proud to be your Momma!  You are so smart and caring, it makes me so happy watching you grow up.  But you don't have to do it so fast you know.  Go easy on your Momma!  Love you!!