Friday, March 30, 2012

Saturday's Top 5 Laughs

One of my favorite parts of the week, Saturday!  Here are my top five laughs from the week.

1. Jillian got invited to a friends birthday party at the pool.  Randy asked her if she wanted to go and she asked, "Is Riley gonna have cake?".  We told her there probably would be, and she said she would go!  I guess no cake, no go!

2. Wyatt has become such an eater!  I mean he's always been but now we give him pretty much anything we eat.  The other night Jo-Jo and I went out to eat with the boys and when Wyatt finished all I had given him he grabbed my plate!  More please!!

3. I'm going to tell on Randy a little.  I bought a new shampoo for curly hair and it smells wonderful, very flowery.  At the dinner table he told me he used the new shampoo last night and he could smell it every time he took off his hard hat, and he liked it!  I asked him if he told all the other guys, he said NO!

4. Jillian put on my tye-dye flip flops the other night and started walking around.  She turned to me and said, "Bye Bye Mommy, I'm going to the beach!".  I wish girl!!  (For all of us, not just!)

5. As we were walking through Kroger, we headed down the card isle.  Jillian shouted, "look Mommy, it looks like Bubbie."  Here's what she saw:

So it is a chunky baby like her Bubbie, but how funny is that!

I'm linking up with Melissa at The MommyHood Chronicles.  Come link up your funny posts from the week or just stop by and wish her son Zane a Happy First Birthday!!

Have a great weekend!!

Wyatt's 9 Month Photo Shoot

Well actually he was about 9 1/2 months old but close enough, right?  Once again our cousins and photographers Annette and Kenny took Wyatt's pictures, and did a fantastic job!  See what you think.

Wyatt was apprehensive at first, but once Kenny started snapping pics his personality came alive.  I know he had so much fun and we did too just watching him!!  I love how the pics show what he is doing at this age, crawling, pulling up and most of all, being a happy go-lucky baby!  Thanks guys!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Make My Monday

It's Make My Monday time.  This weeks topic is:

 What is your favorite thing about spring? Favorite color? Favorite flower? Favorite place to enjoy?  Favorite things to do outdoors??

I love Spring!  It starts getting warmer, the grass gets greener, and flowers start bloom'n.  I love this pink tree in my front yard, it's a Weeping Cherry tree.  I planted it 2 years ago in honor of my mom.  I love when it starts flowering, because it makes me feel like she's smiling at me.

My favorite thing to do outdoors is simple, anything with my kiddos, and my family!  

Whether it's playing outside in the back yard or playing a little b-ball with the family, as long as I'm with these guys we can be anywhere, and do anything.

 This weekend, we played b-ball at PaPa's until dark.  It was so nice out.  The kids had a blast watching us and we had a blast watching them!

Wyatt thought he was big stuff shooting the ball.   As soon as his hands touched the ball he would laugh and hit the ball over and over again, then his daddy would shoot the ball for him.

Happy Monday!  I'm linking up with Kelly and Jess, come on over and Make My Monday!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Saturday's Top 5 Laughs

So glad it's the weekend! I missed out last week so I have a few more than 5 to share, the more the merrier right?!?

1.On our way home from preschool Jillian asked where we were going, I said home and she said,"you better hurry up I'm hungry!"  Girl is always hungry after school.

2. When I have to get on Jillian I start counting 1, 2, 3. Wyatt repeats me. Not the actual words/numbers but it sure sounds like he is! So cute, for now, maybe not when he gets older!

3. After leaving Kroger one day, Jillian shouted, "Mommy you forgot to get me a toy!". Uh no hunny, I didn't forget!  Spoiled!!

4. Jillian had to go to the potty and Wyatt crawled into the bathroom with her, she said to him "you don't need to go pee pee, you'll fall in!!"

5. While nursing Wyatt the other day, Trane's song came on tv and Wyatt tried dancing while still nursing, so funny!

Bonus-We ate outside the other night and our dog Red wouldn't get away from the food so Randy and I both were getting on him when Jillian yelled "mommy and daddy, chill out!!". Really? She's 3 1/2!

Bonus-Driving home one evening we passed a farm that had camels. I pointed them out to Jillian and she said "oh mommy he waved at me!".  Not sure that's possible but you've gotta love the imagination!

I'm leaving you with a picture of Jillian from Friday at preschool. They had to dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss character!
P.S. I made the hat and bow tie!!

As always, I'm linking up with The Mommyhood Chronicles.  If you want to share your laughs, come on and link up too!!

Have a GREAT weekend!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Flashback Friday-Jillian 1 month old

When Jillian was 1 month old she weighed 10 1/2 pounds and was 23 inches long.  She was sleeping mostly through the night, waking once to nurse and going back to sleep.  She nursed every four hours and slept on and off during the day.

She was smiling big smiles and even starting to laugh a little.  We were all in awe of this sweet little joy God blessed us with.  I remember sitting and holding her and just staring at her, thinking to myself, so this is what this feels like, motherhood.  The best feeling ever!

She attended church for the first time with her GiGi holding her while she slept.  We also went to our first family get together at my Aunt Susie's house, and a trip to GiGi's work.  She showed her off to every single person there!

Mom and I took Jillian for her 1 month pictures, to Jessica Vogel, who also did my Senior pictures.  I dressed her in the cutest little pink top!  Mom and I even got to take a picture with her, one I will treasure for a lifetime, and so will Jillian.

The look on my mom's face says it all.

It seems like so long ago, over 3 years ago.  Jillian was such a good little baby.  So sweet and so precious.  I never really understood why people always said that kids grow up way too fast, but now I know all to well!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekend Fun

We had an absolutely beautiful weekend, filled with abnormally warm weather, friends, family and fun!

Friday night I went out for our, once a month girls night. We met for dinner and girl talk, then did some shopping at Target (pronounced Tar-jay)!  As always we had a great time. There's just something about spending time with your girlfriends and talking about life, I love it! Even though I did miss my babies, they were in great hands with their daddy.

Saturday we went to a friend's son's 4th birthday party. He is in Jillian's preschool class and he and his family go to our church. We've become pretty close to them and our kids love to play together.
They rented one of those huge bouncy inflatables with a slide. Oh my talk about some fun. I may or may not have even got in on some bouncing!

Sliding head first, she had a blast!

Daddy and Bubbie played ball, and had a ball!


We ate pizza, yes, even Wyatt!

Sunday we went to church as always and tried to take some pics of the boys!  See below:

When one would look the other wouldn't!  Oh well, they're cute anyway!

Sunday afternoon was spent with family.  My SIL and MIL came down and took us to lunch.  These girls just love each other!  And I love seeing them together, it melts my heart

Cousin Love
After the girls played for awhile and the boys took a much needed nap, we parted ways and we headed over to Papa's house for Sunday night dinner.  For the second week in a row we ate outside on the deck and let the kids play in the yard.  I am loving this crazy warm weather we are having, let's see how long it lasts.

That is all!  Oh, except my friend hosted a link up today, but I didn't do a post.  The question/topic was, Where do you go for alone/me time.  I didn't post because I don't know what that is, lol!!  With two small kids, I'm doing well to go to the bathroom alone, which is also rare!!

You can still check her out, you can link up here.

Have a GREAT week!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wyatt @ 10 Months

Wyatt is 10 months old!! 

 I'm having conflicting emotions.  Happy my baby is going to be celebrating a birthday and so many milestones.  Sad my baby is turning 1 year old in two months!!  I mean where has all this time gone?  You truly never realize what people mean when they say kids grow up to fast, until you have one of your own!


My little guy is still the happiest baby ever.  Although he had a bad week last month due to having RSV.  He felt pretty crummy and that's the first time he wasn't all smiles, but who could blame him.  Now he's all better and all smiles again!  He is babbling up a storm and still finds his sister hilarious.  The smallest things make this little guys day.  From the kitty walking by him, to chasing (crawl chasing) a ball, to food.  I love every minute of him and his wonderful personality.

Sissy is crazy-luckily he just had a bath and his feet didn't stink!


I was a little late taking Wyatt in for his 9 month check up, so I'm going to use those stats now.  Last month I reported his weight with clothes on, this time they weighed him sans clothes and he was 24.5lbs.  He's in the 95th percentile in weight and 90th percentile in height.  I also measured him wrong the last time, oops!  He is 30 inches long.  He is now wearing size 18 months in clothes and size 4 in diapers.  Good thing we're entering in to a new season, because he has grown out of almost all of his winter clothes!


Wyatt just kind of goes with the flow these days.  When he's with me, he stays on the same schedule, nursing every 4 hours, taking at least 2 to 3 naps a day.  He wakes around 6-6:30am and goes to bed at 8pm.  He is eating more and more from the table, loving everything that he eats.  The boy is an eating machine.


Crawling-Full on crawling
Pulling up, not a lot, but he has started
Words this month-Kitty, Sissy, Thank you

Baby boy, you are my world.  God blessed me with you and your sister and I am so fortunate.  You make my every day worth living.  If I even think about having a bad day, all I have to do is see your precious little smile and it makes it all better.  My love for you grows more and more every second.  I look forward to you growing up, but could you slow down just a bit?  I love you baby!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Random Thoughts

Let me start off by saying, DANG!  I missed my 100th post.  Well, I did post, I just didn't realize it was my 100th!  I can't believe I've posted 100 times.  From someone who thought I had nothing to post about and no time to do it in!!  Whoo hoo!!

I've got a lot swirling around in my head so excuse the mess, but here goes!

We had a rather bloody weekend, with me and my cat bites, and my nephew Noah totally busting his mouth, at my house on Saturday night.  It was a little scary, but I kept it together for my sister, I didn't want her to freak out.  I mean his whole little face was covered in blood.  Two wash clothes later and a call to my favorite Pediatrician, who suggested he suck on ice and he was good as new!

We had our first cookout of the year at my Dad and Mia's on Sunday!  It was so nice outside, we let the kids play in the grass.  Wyatt loved crawling around out there.

I am so aggravated with my self tonight!  I can't find anything.  I need Jillian's birth certificate for school and can't find it.  And I had planned on exchanging a book and swim trunks at Target tomorrow and totally can't find the book!  Ahh!!  I'm sure, a certain little girl has it, I'm just not sure where!

On a happy note, Wyatt man turned 10 months old today.  He's getting so big and, "tear", that means there's only 2 months until he turns one!

I did decide on a theme for his first birthday party.  Dr. Seuss!!  I found this on Pinterest and fell in love!

What do you think?  Isn't it the cutest!  I'm so excited!  I've already started the planning!

I officially dislike the time change.  I love Spring, and I love that it stays lighter longer, but we just can't seem to get use to it around here!  I've over slept the past two days, and I have to wake Wyatt up in the mornings to get ready.  I really don't like waking a sleeping baby!!

We have finally got our electric dog fence working again, meaning one of our dogs, Red, is staying at home again!

Last Wednesday we had two doctor appointments,  Wyatt's 9 month check up, yes, I know I'm late with that, what else is new!  And Jillian and I had eye appointments.  Only the eye doctor I've been seeing is not a provider for our insurance, therefore Jillian didn't get seen!  Mine is covered under medical so I did.  I have a not so common eye funk, as I like to call it, Iritis.  I had it once when I was 19 and then got it again when I got pregnant with Wyatt.  Only this time it's not going away, so I have to stay on a steroid eye drop that one, causes cataracts and two high pressure.  That's why I was in, to have a check up.  Turns out my pressure is sky high, so they switched my steroid drops.  Now I have to go back tomorrow and Jillian is scheduled at another eye doctor.  What ever happened to my, stay at home and relax day off?!?

I finally had Wyatt's 9 month pictures taken last weekend!  I am so excited to see them.  Randy's cousin and husband, (the cousin's husband), took them.  Wyatt had a blast and was very cooperative.  I just know they got some good ones!  I'll show you as soon as I get them back!

My sister and I picked out and bought our kids Easter outfits!  The boys are going to match, but with different hats.  And Miss Jillian's dress has a tulle skirt and Hello Kitty sparkle shoes!  So cute, and the best part, my Memmaw is paying for them for Easter, instead of getting them toys and candy, which I'm sure they'll still get enough of!

That's enough randomness for one night, plus I need to go to bed!!

Happy almost midweek!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday's Top 5 Laughs

Yay for the weekend!! Here are my top 5 laughs from the week!

1. Jillian asked me the other day what Wyatt's private area was, so I told her. She kind of laughed and that was that. A few days later we were at my grandmother's and Jillian blurted out I have a va-jay jay and babies have a penis! Over and over again! We first explained to her that boys have a penis and second that it wasn't something to say all the time! It was a total Kindergarden Cop moment!

2. Last weekend I had to get on my nephew Noah, and he stopped what he was doing and made the cutest face ever!! It was like an "O", she told me no! Jo-Jo and I had to cover our faces and laugh!  He was so serious!

For the record, I didn't tell him no in this picture!  But this is the face he makes when I do tell him no!

3. Jillian was riding with her daddy in the big truck and she told him to slow down. He told me you can tell she's been riding with you.  I tell Randy how to drive all the time!

4. I got bit pretty bad by a cat at work yesterday. The cat's name is Tiger. Randy, trying to make lite of the situation said, you're the only woman I know that had gotten bit by a Tiger and lived to tell about it!  Ha Ha, (said in a very sarcastic tone!)

5. Wyatt is very laid back, but today Jillian took a toy from him and he screamed/growled at her! Watch out sister!


If you have funny things that happen to you and wanna share, come link up with us at The Mommyhood Chronicles!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Little Rockstar

This past Sunday, Miss Jillian decided she would play the drums at church!  Not her first time but I got this one on video.  Lord help me now, she says she wants to be in a band!!

I laugh at the end because some one told me I should get her a drum set for Christmas!  Ah, no!!  She does love music!

Happy Friday!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Make My Monday

It's that time again, the first day of the work week, Monday!  I am linking up again with Kelly and Jess for "Make My Monday".

Mommy’s Sippy Cup

This Monday's topic: What is your favorite recipe for entertaining? This could be anything from cocktails to dessert. 

My go to appetizer is simple.  I'm not even sure what to call it but is a dip that Kelly from this blog hop's mother, Kim, made a long time ago and brought to our fourth of July party.  I have been making it ever since for anything and everything.  Parties, get together's, game day's and for just snacking on at the house.  What it is, 1 large jar of Salsa and 1 block of Cream Cheese.  Don't knock it until you try it!  It's delicious!  I usually lay the cream cheese out to soften.  Then mix your favorite brand of salsa, I use Pace, with the softened cream cheese, and blended well.  Then serve with your favorite tortilla chips, I love the Tostitos with a Hint of Lime!  It refrigerators up to several days, if it lasts that long! 

See simple!!  Enjoy!