Thursday, March 22, 2012

Flashback Friday-Jillian 1 month old

When Jillian was 1 month old she weighed 10 1/2 pounds and was 23 inches long.  She was sleeping mostly through the night, waking once to nurse and going back to sleep.  She nursed every four hours and slept on and off during the day.

She was smiling big smiles and even starting to laugh a little.  We were all in awe of this sweet little joy God blessed us with.  I remember sitting and holding her and just staring at her, thinking to myself, so this is what this feels like, motherhood.  The best feeling ever!

She attended church for the first time with her GiGi holding her while she slept.  We also went to our first family get together at my Aunt Susie's house, and a trip to GiGi's work.  She showed her off to every single person there!

Mom and I took Jillian for her 1 month pictures, to Jessica Vogel, who also did my Senior pictures.  I dressed her in the cutest little pink top!  Mom and I even got to take a picture with her, one I will treasure for a lifetime, and so will Jillian.

The look on my mom's face says it all.

It seems like so long ago, over 3 years ago.  Jillian was such a good little baby.  So sweet and so precious.  I never really understood why people always said that kids grow up way too fast, but now I know all to well!


  1. I love the Flashback post idea! Reminds me of how fast my own little ones are growing. :)

  2. I love this. I think that first picture of Jillian looks like mom! Great memories!


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