Thursday, September 29, 2011

Going back a little

I'm going to go back a little, because I didn't start blogging until after Wyatt was born and I really want to share these images that are so dear to my heart.

I always wanted to have belly pictures taken when pregnant with Jillian, but I never felt confident enough.  Plus I got really huge with her.  I still wasn't very self confident with Wyatt and still got pretty big, but when asked by a photographer friend/cousin/husband and wife team, if I would let her take pics of me for her maternity profile, I jumped at the chance!  Although I did tell her only if she made me look good!

Annette had some great ideas, this one being one of my favorite.  Jillian loved being able to paint her brother and mommy!  Such a great memory for her and I to share!

She was going to town on my belly, she was serious about her finger painting.

Jillian and I just laying around, talking about the beautiful sky.  It doesn't get much prettier then that!

I love the different color effect to this one, so different.

This one is so fun because it really made the paint colors pop out!

Jillian and I hanging out in the grass, her giving some awesome hugs!

Annette wrote Wyatt on my belly in blue, love this one too.

The final product.  I think it took a whole pack of wipes to clean me up!  But soo worth it!

This was so hilarious!  I am not a impromptu kind of girl, so I wasn't sure what to do here, but they said just eat a pickle, so I did! 

Annette actually asked me if I liked pickles.......Ummm yes!!

Jillian using my stethoscope from my nursing days!

I love bows, sorry Wyatt, but you are Mommies precious little package!

I don't remember what was so funny, besides the fact that I'm preggers, sitting on the counter top and eating a pickle!

This photo shoot was so fun and we now have so many wonderful images and memories to keep for a lifetime!  Thanks Annette and Kenny for a GREAT time and giving us this chance to treasure this precious time!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Party Time

Another fun filled, fast paced on the go weekend has past and boy did we enjoy it!  We attended not one but two birthday parties this weekend.  On Saturday, we celebrated cousin Nolan's 5 th birthday and Sunday we celebrated our friend Kenzie's 3rd birthday!  Jillian had a blast at both parties, but I only got pics from the 2nd  one.

The birthday girl Miss Mackenzie is the one in the sparkly white princess dress.  Jillian's song must have been off key, 'cause Kenzie is holding her ears!

Princess Mackenzie, aka Birthday Girl

It was a dress up/princess themed birthday party.  It was right up Jillian's alley!  They came in their dresses, and had fun sharing tiara's and pink shoes.

This picture is so funny because you wouldn't know it but Jillian is only 2 months older than Kenzie, but she towers over her!  They really have fun playing together, and I couldn't be happier about it.  You see Kenzie's Momma and I have have been bestie's since high school, and I always wished we would have kids the same age.  But two girls two months apart, it was meant to be!!

The princess and her princess cake!  Jillian couldn't wait for this part!

Me and my princess!  With a dirty face of course, her not me!!

What a surprise Miss Kenzie had when a real princess came and gave her a sparkly diamond tiara and wand. She was thrilled to say the least!

Daddy and Bubba, (Wyatt), hung out, and they actually snuck out for a while and looked at the big trucks.  The party was held at our local armory, since Kenzie's daddy is a recruiter.

She couldn't stop looking at her, it was so cute!

Kenzie would blow the party favor thingy in Jillian's face and Jillian would crack up laughing!  With a mouth full of Cheezey Poofs.

Here Miss Jillian is eyeing all Kenzie's princess presents.  I am so surprised at how well she did.  Usually she says "Mommy I want this, Mommy can I have that?".  But she didn't, she did sit very close to Kenzie while she opened them, but just watched.

Micheal, Kenzie, Jillian

Her we have the three musketeer's.  They are all 3 years old, and play pretty well together.   Micheal was very impressed with the present he gave Kenzie, I think he really wanted to play with it!

Princess Jillian, after a successful trip to the potty!!

Let them eat cake!!  And they did.  Jillian was so good, she ate the whole piece, not just the icing, like usual!

We had a great time this weekend with friends and family.  I just love watching the kids play and being able to have some adult conversation too!  These really are the best days of our lives!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

First haircut

Jillian is now 3 years old, and I have yet to cut her hair.  I have trimmed her bangs but never cut the length of her hair.  You see when she was a baby, girlfriend had NO HAIR.  I mean it, she was bald!  See below:

Bald Baby

I would put headbands with bows and hats with bows on her bald little head, in hopes that some day she would actually have hair!

Hat baby

Plus she looked so dern cute in them, she never left the house without one on!

Headband baby

But alas, she finally grew hair!!  At 18 months I could actually get 2 pig tails.  

Little piggies

Here she is at 3 years old, with long curly beautiful hair!  Which by the way she didn't get from me.  My mom had curly hair, my sister and even Randy has curly hair, (if he grew it out).


 This is when it's wet and I have combed it straight down.

Almost down to her bottom

And the first cut.  Ahh, I can't believe I doing this, was going through my mind!

The first cut :(

The hair

There it is the final product!  OMG, this was so hard, because she wouldn't stand still.  I couldn't imagine taking her some where and having it done!  Oh well, it may not be perfect but when its dry and curly you can't tell anyway!


When it drys, it looks way shorter and is now way curly than before!  I still haven't got a pic of her new doo yet, but soon!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

4 Months

Wyatt turned 4 months old on September 13th.  I can't believe how much and how fast he's growing!

He had his 4 month check up last Wednesday, and got a stellar report!  He got 2 shots, but did GREAT!


Omg,  boy you are growing like crazy!  This month you weigh 18.4lbs. and you are 26 1/2 inches long.  This puts you, little man in the 95th percentile.  Wow!  As of now,you are wearing 6-9 month clothes and as soon as we finish the last pack of size 2 diapers you're moving on up to size 3!

That's my chunky monkey


You are an absolutley happy/go lucky baby.  You have the greastest smile ever, it lights up your whole face and anyone else's that looks at you.  You have yet to meet someone you didn't like, however you are pretty fond of me, the mommy!  Unless you are sleepy or hungry, you don't fuss much and are one pleasent little guy!  Your giggle/laugh amazes me.  You find the littlest things hilarious, it keeps us all laughing!


I am proud to say that you are still breast feeding every 4 hours.  You take an 8oz bottle from your daddy at night, some bonding time for the boys and  I have started you on oatmeal cereal in the morning and in the evening.  Next up are veggies, we'll add that in for lunch!  During the day at your sitters, you take about 6-8oz of breast milk in a bottle.  You are a champ when it comes to eating!

Your first time eating cereal


Like I said in the feeding section, you nurse about every four hours, usually 5:30/6a, 10a, 2p, 6p, and we wake you for your 10/10:30p bottle.  You are sleeping through the night from 10:30/11p until 5:30/6a.  Sometimes you wake up around 3:30/4a for some snuggle time.  I usually pick you up and put you in bed with me and snuggle up close together and you go back to sleep.  You are still in Mommies room because I'm not ready to move you yet, but now you sleep in the pack n play because you grew out of your bassinet.  During the day, you take a couple of naps, depending on where we are.  Usually one between your 10 and 2 feeding and one between your 2 and 6 feeding.  If we stay at home WE go back to sleep after your first am feeding, until sister wakes us up that is.  You are a pretty much go with the flow kind of baby.  Just like your sister, you sleep on the go.  Which works well for us since we're on the go a lot.


This month you have learned to grab things.  Toys, blankets, burp clothes and my hair.  You love your blankets and to hold on to them tight.  You also love the toys hanging from your carseat.  There's a giraffe that has loops and things hanging from it that you pull on and a teething ring that you seem to hold on to a lot too.  You have totally ditched the paci, which you weren't really fond of anyway, and have now found your thumb.  I kinda like this because you can now soothe yourself, but Daddy is not a fan, he knows we can't take it away!

My little thumb sucker


You still love your rain forest bouncey seat and batting at the monkey and toucan hanging from it.  Since we're not always at home like in the beginning, you don't swing very much, but when you do you seem to like the pooh toys hanging from the toy bar.  You now have a bumbo chair that you can sit in and watch tv, you are loving sister's cartoons, or play with toys.

Your new chair-Bumbo!

Playing in the bouncy seat at church

You are such a blessing to this family Wyatt Jo, and I am so in love with you it is indescribable!  I can't imagine a day without your cute pudgy little face!

Love ya bunches baby!

Monday, September 19, 2011

PaPa Time

Sunday nights have become a tradition in the McClain family, known as family dinner night.  We, me, Randy and our kids, Jo-Jo and Noah, Andrew her husband if he's off work, which he's not most of the time, and Papa, always either go out to eat or cook dinner together.  We actually started this back when my Mom had cancer.  It was something we should have been doing all along but never really hit us until then.  I think she would be proud and happy to know that we have carried on this tradition. 

Last Sunday we went to one of our favorite local mexican restaraunts.  The kiddos got some major Papa time!!

The Boys

Wyatt's deer in headlights look

Baby fight, just kidding

Wyatt enjoying sitting with his PaPa 

He gave Jillian quarters for the toy machines so she was off playing with those.  Sunday nights are always so special, I hope we can keep this tradition up for many, many years to come!

What are some of your family traditions?

Happy Monday!!