Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

I can't believe 2011 is just about over.  It has been quite a year full of whirl wind events.  Lets recap!!

In January, I helped welcome my adorable nephew into the world.

In February, we had the first year anniversary of my mothers death.  A hard day.  

In April, I know I skipped March, but I got nothing, I had a Maternity Photo Shoot, and a baby shower!!

In May, we welcomed our own bundle of joy, Wyatt Jo Curtis Sanford!

In June, I celebrated my last year in my twenties and we shared a family milkshake.

In August, we had our first ever Family Photo Shoot!

In October, we celebrated fall the way we always do, with our annual It's Fall Y'all Party!  And of course Halloween!!

In November, we gave Thanks!

And last but certainly not least December, we celebrated our first Christmas as a family of four!

All in all we had a pretty great year.  I'm sad to see it go but excited to see what's in store for us this coming year.  

Happy New Year!!

Saturday's Top Five Laughs

Here are my top 5 laughs from the week!

1. When I came home from work on Monday, Randy had given the kids a bath and in their pj's.  Jillian said mommy my princess nightgown has a hole in it, do you have any tape!  Ha!!

2. Wyatt finally said Momma, once on Christmas day, and three times Monday.  So I try to get him to say it to me by repeating ma ma ma, and he replies with da da da da!!

3. At the dinner table one night Jillian was playing with her new princess castle, and Randy had paired Prince Charming with Belle, Jillian quickly scolded Randy and said no daddy that is Cinderella's friend!

4.  This one is kind of sad but funny at the same time.  Jillian and Wyatt's sitter was off for the week of Christmas and the day after, so Jillian got use to staying at home.  Which also means she has a hard time in the mornings with me leaving her.  One morning I tried to explain to her that mommy has to go to work and make money for us and she said to me, "Mommy, I want to go to work and make money with you", be still me heart!!

5. The funniest thing about having 2 kids this Christmas was all the "boy" baby toys Wyatt got and Jillian wanting to play with them all!!

This is a blog hop, so if you have funny things that happen each week and would like to share it with us all, please link up at The Mommyhood Chronicles.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas with The Sanfords Part Two

Christmas Eve night we always go to Mammaw Helen's house, my dad's mom.  She usually cooks a big southern Christmas dinner with my favorite Christmas treat, potato candy!  After dinner we all gather in the formal living room and listen to my dad read Luke 2 from the bible, the story of Jesus' birth.  A tradition started with his father my late grandfather.  We decided a couple of years ago to do a gift exchange like White Elephant, since we the grandchildren have all grown up and gotten married.  It's usually pretty mild as far as the stealing goes, but everyone has a lot of fun playing!

 Everyone still buys for the kiddos.  This year I did the shopping for my grandmother and my cousin Cynthia bought the kids stuff on Black Friday when we went shopping together.  Little man is all smiles!

 Jillian got a LaLa Loopsy ferris wheel and a Barbie, and Strawberry Shortcake DVD.  Thanks Cynthia, she loved them!!

 While Wyatt received a steering wheel toy and a Construction track with trucks.  Mammaw Helen helped him open his gifts.

He was very happy.  Although it really doesn't take much to see that heart melting little grin!  The boys were excellent that night, considering they didn't take very good naps earlier in the day.  It's like they knew it was Christmas (Eve) and they were gonna party all day!!

Good morning CHRISTMAS!!!

Wyatt's first Christmas!! 
 He woke up about 8-8:30 ish but sister wasn't up yet.  I couldn't believe it!  Well, I could, she didn't have a nap the day before either.  We went ahead and got up, and when Jo-Jo and Andy heard us they got up too, but still no Jillian.  Finally somewhere around 9 the little missy came out of her room.

Randy and I were kind of disappointed though, she didn't even get that excited.  I'm not sure if it was the haze of just waking up or what.

I think Wyatt man was more excited than sister!  She got into it a bit more when she saw that Santa brought her LaLa Loopsy pj's and magnetic dolls.  He's so clever!!  She also got Dora lego's, Princess Aura's Castle, that's the one we thought she would have been more surprised with, a few books, a Tangled cup, a Strawberry Shortcake DVD, and some Strawberry Shortcake lip gloss and nail polish, (scented)!

Baby boy racked up too.  He got a musical tool bench, a firetruck, tons of Cars toy's, a Bulls Eye the horse doll to go with his Woody doll, and some books.  I know there was probably more but I just can't think anymore!!

Jillian helped little brother open his gifts when she was finished with her's.  It was so sweet.  He liked her helping!

Me video taping it all!!  

Baby boy eating the bow!  I think he would have been fine with just the wrapping paper and bows!

He wasn't quite sure what to play with first!  We had a wonderful first Christmas with our new family of four!!

We had one more place to go after church on Christmas day.  The Monroe's, which is my dad's, mom's family.  They live in Nelson county, about 45 minutes to an hour from us.  We ate again, I feel like I ate every time I turned around!!  Guess what my new years resolution is going to be?!?  Anyway, we also do a gift exchange there as well!

Me and my kiddos!

My sweet baby boy!

Jillian got a pink snuggie!

Little man finally took a nap, a good long nap!  His Christmas nap.

The girls, me, Jo Jo and Miss Jillian!

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year.  It's funny because we prepare for it by shopping and cooking and cleaning, planning and wishing it would hurry up and get here.  And then it does and it's all over in a blink of an eye.  Kind of sad, how fast it goes.  I know Randy and I so looked forward to this year's Christmas, mainly for Jillian.  The past couple of years she wasn't really old enough to fully grasp the concept and she's still not, but at least she got the gist of it this year.  Seeing the smiles on our kids faces and the joy in their eye's, makes Christmas so special.  Jesus is the reason for the season, and the reason we can all celebrate Christmas with our families!!

We have one more Christmas/New Years Eve/Day to celebrate this weekend.  We head out to my sister-in-laws tomorrow for another family filled get together.  I can't wait!  My sister (in law) and I have so much fun together, and the girls just love to play and have so much in common.  The kids get to visit with their NeNe and Pappaw, and get all kinds of good spoiling!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

God Bless!! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas with The Sanfords Part One

Christmas has come and gone leaving us with warm memories, fully belly's and a house full of toys!  We enjoyed 5, yes 5 Christmas dinners this past weekend.  How you ask, very carefully!!

Friday night we had 2 dinners scheduled.  The Stiver's Family, which is my late mother's family, had dinner at 6pm at my Aunt and Uncle's house which just happens to be a few miles down the road from us and on the way to my Dad's, where we were to go next.  This side of the family has grown so big, it's hard to get everyone together but it was still great to see the ones who were there!  The older kids loved playing with Wyatt and holding him too!

Wyatt and his cousin Kelly

We left there after about an hour and headed to my Dad and Ann's for Christmas.  I. racked. up!!  I was definitely surprised!  I had asked for a touch screen digital camera and got that and a few things more.  UGG'S!!!!!!  And a sweater from Victoria's Secret along with a cosmetic bag filled with goodies!!  The kids also were more than happy with their gifts.  Jillian got a princess tent and princess hopscotch, while the boys both got a John Deere dump truck, (that they can actually fit in) and a Cars rock'n car.  This was our first Christmas together as a blended family, Ann my Dad's new wife and her 2 boys and my sister and her family and of course my dad and us.  I really, really missed my mom this year, for some reason holidays tend to make that worse, but I had a good time and felt so blessed to be apart of this new blended family.

Wyatt got to open his first gift on his first Christmas, and what did he do, he ate the paper.  Well he tried to eat the paper!

Wyatt sitting in his new John Deere dump truck.  He loves it!

Hmm, not sure what happened to this pic, but this is everyone after presents just having a good time, look at all those wonderful expressions!

See eating the paper!  Little man also got a Dinosaur ball popper and a couple of great books from Jo-Jo and Uncle Andy, and cousin Noah.

The princess didn't want to come out of her tower!

Until Uncle Andy played the Find the Fairy book that he and Jo-Jo got her, along with a LaLa Loopsy doll and the Beauty and the Beast figurine set.

Christmas Eve on Saturday also held 2 dinners, but the first one we did lunch, soup and sandwich style.  My grandparents, (my mom's parents) came over.  Jo-Jo,Andrew and Noah spent the night but Andrew had to go to work, some people actually play golf on Christmas Eve, poor Andrew, he only gets off on Christmas day.  We had a wonderful time with our grandparents and sharing gifts with each other.  My grandmother hand made my sister and I quilts made from our mother's t-shirts.  They are absolutely beautiful and so meaningful!  The kiddos's got all kinds of wonderful gifts ranging from books, (we LOVE books), to little cars for the boys,  and a doodle pro for Jillian.  The boys also got a couple of outfits, a cars toy and Jillian got a ballerina doll and an animal purse.  Shew, so much stuff it's hard to remember it all!!

                                                          Jillian ripping presents open.

                                            More present ripping!!  These kiddo's are spoiled!!

This one, from my cousin Jinger and family, was for both Jillian and Wyatt, a box filled with great books!!!

Memmaw and GP, all smiles after a wonderful Christmas Eve lunch with family.  Our little family of four is so blessed to have so many places to go to for Christmas!  Even as hectic as it can get, I love every bit of it!  Part 2 coming real soon.  More Christmas, more happy faces, and more memories!!

Wordless Wednesday/Photo Dump